Monday 20 October 2014


Our last stop on the trip was on the way back to Toronto where I got to experience the magnificent 1000 islands. I didn't know anything about this 'tourist' attraction and fully expected to just see a couple of houses by the water. But WOW was I mistaken. This area consists of over 1000 small islands (DUH) and there are literally the tiniest of islands with just one tiny house on them. Obviously I was snapping away at the cute little houses and we then passed a slightly larger island that homed a castle. I was amazed and really not expecting it (as you can see by the terrible 'through the window' photos). This was on American soil so unfortunately we were unable to venture round. We passed many amazing buildings and Lake Houses that you see in the films. One day I will own one of these so that I can come and chill in the Summer and Christmas (because I will obviously be living in Toronto by then...). Imagine Christmas at one of these...soooo cute!

I thoroughly enjoyed this part of the trip and it was probably because I really wasn't expecting much - it's good to have surprises like that. 

Hope you enjoyed my little three part series on my French Canada trip. Stay tuned for more adventures coming your way shortly (possibly Halloween related EEEEKKK!)

Hope you are all well :)
Sally xxx

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