Wednesday 22 October 2014


After stressing out, crying, panicking, saying that I wasn't going on the trip and everything else that goes with me and exams I spoke to my mum, gran and Nina who all said wine is wayyy more important than exams (well in a round about way) so I decided to ditch the last day of studying to go on a Niagara Falls Wine Tasting trip with the International Office and I am soooo glad that I did! It was probably the best fun I have had since I arrived in Canada and the photos really sum up my time here so far.

The wine tour was very interesting and educational and really up my street. Maybe I'll end up working in a winery one day-  wine tasting for a job, whats not to love? We tasted Trius Red, White and Icewine and oooooh is Icewine goooood! Probably the most amazing wine I have ever tasted. When I introduced myself as being Scottish the guide seemed excited as he said Scottish people are always great fun! So in true Scottish style I represented by being the first to get my wine, the first finished and the first to get my glass filled - even though I was slagged by the rest of the group. You can take the girl out of Scotland but you can't take Scotland out of the girl! Unfortunately Icewine is very expensive but I have been told that you can  pick it up at duty free at the airport...maybe I'll treat myself when I depart Toronto?

We had lunch at a lovely restaurant in Niagara Falls called Coco's where everything was made on a stone fire. It was lovely and cosy inside and felt very homely for some reason. I had the nachos which were delicious!

I had visited the falls back in the summer as you would have seen in an earlier post but it was great seeing it in the middle of Fall. Although it was freezing this time around. It was great sharing this experience with the amazing friends that I have met here and they are all from across the world - Finland, Austria, Germany, France and Jamaica. We also had a bit of free time so went to Niagara on the Lake and found this lovely little spot to take the obligatory jumping photo!

Hope you are all well and have enjoyed this little update.
Sally xxx

Monday 20 October 2014


Our last stop on the trip was on the way back to Toronto where I got to experience the magnificent 1000 islands. I didn't know anything about this 'tourist' attraction and fully expected to just see a couple of houses by the water. But WOW was I mistaken. This area consists of over 1000 small islands (DUH) and there are literally the tiniest of islands with just one tiny house on them. Obviously I was snapping away at the cute little houses and we then passed a slightly larger island that homed a castle. I was amazed and really not expecting it (as you can see by the terrible 'through the window' photos). This was on American soil so unfortunately we were unable to venture round. We passed many amazing buildings and Lake Houses that you see in the films. One day I will own one of these so that I can come and chill in the Summer and Christmas (because I will obviously be living in Toronto by then...). Imagine Christmas at one of these...soooo cute!

I thoroughly enjoyed this part of the trip and it was probably because I really wasn't expecting much - it's good to have surprises like that. 

Hope you enjoyed my little three part series on my French Canada trip. Stay tuned for more adventures coming your way shortly (possibly Halloween related EEEEKKK!)

Hope you are all well :)
Sally xxx

Saturday 18 October 2014


How beautiful is Montreal? I couldn't get over how stunning it was, especially in Autumn! This may sound stupid but it is very French! I know this is FRENCH Canada but for some reason I was expecting it to look Canadian with the people just speaking French however I was wrong. It was like I was walking along the streets of Paris. 

The streets were lined with little French cafes where I enjoyed a yummy Nutella and Strawberry Crepe and some coffee. Markus and I then moved on to explore the waterfront which was just picture perfect at this time of year. Whilst we were walking along, a lovely little old lady stopped us to tell us about a great viewing point where we could see a panoramic view of the entire city (thankfully Markus is fluent in French) so we ventured up onto this little platform and WAW were the views amazing. That's the thing I've learned about traveling, to get the best out of the experience you need to be open to people and chat to the locals, you never know what secrets they might reveal.

We then ventured over to visit 'Cathedral de Notre Damn' - totally butchered that there but I tried. It's exactly the same as the one in Paris although I felt that it was a lot smaller? A little musical ensemble were playing outside which took me back to roaming the streets of Paris with Gregor last summer and just sitting listening to the wonderful musicians for hours on end. I sat there for a little while and just absorbed the atmosphere and people watched.

We had the chance to engage in a group Thanksgiving dinner of Poutine which unfortunately I am not fond of so instead I went on search for food in Chinatown. I managed to get an amazing Yellow Tofu curry for only $7 and it was soooo yummy! Due to exams I didn't go out and experience the Montreal night life which I regret now but I'm sure it would have been an experience.

If you ever get the chance to go to Montreal I would definitely recommend it, I felt like I was closer to home for some strange reason. Anyway, stay tuned for the third part to this installment which will be my 1000 Island Adventure.

Hope you are all well :)
Sally xxx