Wednesday 24 September 2014



WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE? Saturday marked my first month living in Toronto (well 5 weeks if you count the holiday beforehand). All in all I have been away from Scotland for 2 months now and I can't quite believe it! I am sitting here writing this post as I am trying to procrastinate away my time rather than getting on with my first assignment. Hopefully getting out everything that is in my mind will free some motivational space for getting on with it...writing a 3 page report on a Mistral Fan does not scream EXCITING to me!

the view from my bedroom window


Now where can I start? Classes began 3 weeks ago now and I cannot believe that it's getting to the stage where assignments are due! I am thoroughly enjoying the modules I picked (which will come in more detail in another post). Some of them I have already done back home but it is actually so refreshing to get a new perspective on things. Teaching is slightly different over here but I seem to be getting into the swing of things. The lecturers really are experts in their fields and have taught me a lot about how to focus on my academic life as well as my career, even to the point that I may have changed the angle that I want to proceed into. One day I WILL own my vintage business which will be located on a hippy bus so that I can travel the world at the same time BUT until I have worked and saved up that money I feel that the path I want to take is down the route of fashion history and trend forecasting. This angle seems to incorporate everything I love from researching fashion history to photographing street style and predicting what the future has in stall for fashion (aka trend forecasting). After learning about WGSN I have fallen in love with the company and hopefully one day I will be able to say that I work for them (fingers crossed!)

Socially, I have met some lovely people so far who I think will be friends for life. Nina, my roommate is Austrian and I just love her to bits, she's taught me all the words I need to know for coming to Austria (to explicit to share) and some epic new dance moves to come back to Scotland with (friends you have been warned)! Julia, Stefanie, Markus, Niko and Henrietta have also been great friends recently and I can't wait to get to know them a bit better over the next few months. A couple of us enjoyed a trip to Washington DC last weekend which was AMAZING! We went with TNT Tours and I could not recommend them enough (stay tuned for a more in depth post).

Julia, Nina, Stefanie, Markus & Me in Washington DC

drinking Canadian style with our red cups but we partied like the Austrian/Scots don't worry!

So far I have been to see the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team play at the Rogers Arena which wasn't too exciting but none the less a free night out during 'Orientation Week'. I have explored the vintage and independent boutiques of Queen Street West - I literally do not know how I am going to go back to not having this street to shop on! I had the best night of my life at the Maple Leafs hockey game, who knew a game could get so intense? And I have enjoyed nights out with new friends and some good girly gossiping. I can't wait for a girly sleepover on Friday night. - I'm sure most of these experiences will make it into a post of there own at some point.

GO MAPLE LEAFS! (at the Air Canada Center)

In the coming weeks I have so much coursework to get through it is unreal but as I have been reminded by my mum, that I am "here to study" I suppose I should get on with working towards them! I sometimes forget that this is the reason I am actually here but maybe that is a good thing and shows that I have settled in? In saying that having some cocktails or wine usually helps the thought of coursework! 

I have so much to look forward to in the next 2 months such as; a trip to Ottawa and Montreal, Halloween and a night time trip to Canada's Wonderland where they set up scare walks and you can go on the rides (and we're obviously dressing up) AND I am hoping to go to Algonquin Park and explore even more of Toronto and the surrounding area.

Soooo, that was a bit of a long post but it's nice to update everyone. Stay tuned for some more in depth posts with an abundance of photos over the next week or so and you can now subscribe by email. All you have to do is pop in your email address and your good to go. I'll leave you all with a picture I captured on a night out of Toronto by night. 

Love Sally xxx

Saturday 20 September 2014


The CN Tower is a spectacular sight to be seen from every edge of Toronto but to be honest I wasn't too bothered about actually going up it. Everything changed when my boyfriend went ahead and booked for us to have dinner at the 360 Restaurant, suddenly I couldn't wait to experience something that I didn't even realize would be on my bucket list.

The 360 Restaurant is situated at the top of the tower and like the name suggests it rotates 360 degrees whilst you are devouring your meal in order for you to experience every angle of Toronto from a great height. I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. The food was delicious and they had a full vegetarian menu for me to choose from. I have to say that it was expensive and the meal itself probably wasn't worth the amount of money we paid but none the less it created memories that I will cherish forever (as cheesy as that sounds).

According to our waiter we experienced a unique sight that night as although it started off super clear (as you will see in the photos) fog started to come in and then the clouds began to fall = ONCE IN A LIFETIME VIEW and I am sharing it with your eyes (you can thank me later). The tower also has a glass floor which allows you to see right into the Rogers Center if the roof is open and luckily for us i was.

Friday 5 September 2014


Niagara Falls has obviously been one of the things near the top of my bucket list so I was able to tick it off after experiencing one of the most amazing days of my life.

As you can probably see by the photographs the views were jaw-droppingly beautiful. I probably didn't enjoy the actual experience enough because I was too busy snapping away but I am so glad I did as I have managed to really capture the moment. Experiencing the crashing of the falls, mist of the water and the rainbow as you pass by on the boat was just magical.

After reading many reviews online about the best way to experience Niagara we decided to skip the touristy option and went for getting the Megabus from downtown Toronto to the town of Niagara Falls. We paid $35 return on the bus but we booked the night before and as always with Megabus, if you book in advance you can get it a lot cheaper. The journey took about 90 minutes with only 2/3 stops before we arrived at our destination. We then hopped onto the local bus which leaves just outside the bus station which took us straight to where we wanted to be. The local bus cost $7 for an all day ticket. We got off at the first stop for our photo opportunities overlooking the falls, We had heard that queues for the boat cruise can take up to 4 hours but I think we arrived just at the right time (around 4pm) as we only had to wait about 20 mins max from getting our tickets to getting onto the boat. You can opt to do other tours but we had heard from people who did the walk behind the falls that you didn't see anything and it was a waste of money and you get to see everything just on the boat cruise so that's what we did and our experience ended up being very relaxed and enjoyable. We didn't have a lot of time (altogether about 3.5 hoours) but I recommend if you do to take the bus along to the other end of the falls to get another amazing angle of the falls. We then hopped back onto the local bus back to the bus station and onto the Megabus. All I have to say is make sure to book your return Megabus as most of them will be sold out and you don't really want to be stranded as hotels are very very expensive last minute,

If you ever get the chance I definitely recommend paying a visit. I'm hoping to go back with some friends I've made here in the Fall/Winter - it will be nice to see the contrast in the landscape. I'll be sure to update you with pictures if  I do.

Sally xxx 

Wednesday 3 September 2014


I thought I would get moving on the exciting posts so here we go...

I arrived in Canada on the 17th of August with my family + Granny + Gregor + Calum for a little holiday after our 6 weeks in America and also so that I could be helped with the amount of luggage I had brought with me (woops!) Well I am a fashion student after all!

After getting a lovely guy at customs and then going onto have a horrible woman at immigration I got my passport stamped and everything was good to go! Everything just seemed real from then on in. 

Gregor and I were staying in a basement apartment just out at Greek Town so decided to take a taxi due to my ever growing luggage situation, the taxi's are very professional and are standard rates and you can ask for a flat fee before you step into the taxi so there are no nasty surprises. Half an hour later into downtown Toronto and we were greeted by our lovely Airbnb hostess - but do bear in mind that if your a Humber student you can arrange for someone to come and pick you up. If your doing a bit of traveling beforehand or afterwards I would recommend checking out Airbnb, lots of central apartments and the subway makes it very easy to get around and uber cheap as well!

We quickly dumped our things and then headed out to have a little look at the sights. Weekly subway passes are $39.95(ish) and give you unlimited travel for a week or you can just buy tokens which are $3 each and can be used on any of the transport options (bus, tram, subway) but I think you have to buy them in fives. The subways are uber easy to navigate and it only took us about 15 mins to get into Downtown. 

First stop was walking past the CN Tower but we actually saw a lot more of it when we went down to the Harbour front and took the boat out to the little island. The views were amazing and definitely worth the trip. The tour guides were also very informative and it was just a great all round thing to do on your first day exploring the city.

 Obligatory tourist photo that makes me look like I have thee HUUGEST ass known to man!

Yup there is a 'clothing optional beach' if that floats your boat!

We passed this incredibly random prisoner/shipwrecked thing and of course used it as photo opportunity.

Hope you enjoyed my insight into the first day I spent in Canada. Stay tuned for many more to come.

Sally xxx

Monday 1 September 2014


I wouldn't of been able to get to Canada without actually applying in the first place so I thought I would compile a post all about the application process. Hopefully this will help out future exchange students and could also benefit people just in there general travels...


  • I know this is the boring part for most people but it needs to be done. I quite like doing research on a new place as it gets you excited about what the future holds and what adventures there are to come.
  • Look at all of your options and if your stuck between two create a list of the good and bad points of both and then sum them up - although usually you will be drawn to one.
  • Speak to people who have already been - I probably tormented Louise with my endless questions but it's worth it.
  • Once you know your preferences you can go ahead and fill out that form. I know this is probably the first scary step in the process but TRUST ME you will never regret it.
  • Take some time to write down the information you have gathered and really think about why you want to go and then simply but pen to paper.
  • The form at RGU is pretty simple and they don't need your life story (like I did) but they want to know why YOU should go over other people so make sure you have done your research (I did say it was an important step)
  • Once you are satisfied simply just a
  • Even though you probably won't find out the status of your application for a couple of months I would suggest to start saving now.
  • You'll need to pay for flights/accomodation and food while your away and they cost quite a lot of money and of course you'll want to travel.
  • Treat this as a once in a lifetime thing and the things you can scrimp on at home will be worth it when you are on your exchange.
  • When you receive that email DO NOT PANIC! I had been waiting all day and just broke down as soon as I opened it but read it carefully as it will full explain what to do next.
  • If you have done all of the above and have been a model student I am pretty sure you will be happy happy happy right now and all you have to do is accept and start planning your adventure.
  • Don't get me wrong, if your not happy then speak to the study abroad office and they will be able to see what they can do.
  • You'll feel some kind of crazy emotion at this point so just go with it. This was the moment that everything dropped for me...CRAP I'M ACTUALLY DOING THIS!
  • Just know that everything will be ok!
aaaaaand SMILE you've done it - here's to your next adventure!
